20 жыл бойы Қазақстанды әлемге танытудамыз

+7 (771) 553 03 03

+7 (771) 993 93 03

СЫЙЛЫҚТАР ИМПЕРИЯСЫ. 20 жыл бойы Қазақстанды әлемге танытудамыз

+7 (771) 553 03 03

+7 (771) 993 93 03

Table statuette Abai

Article: JBX-ABB
95 200 ₸    Add to cart

    • Abai Kunanbaev is a great poet of the Kazakh people, humanist philosopher, composer, master of word, enlightener, thinker, public figure, founder of Kazakh written literature and the first classic thereof.
    • The main theme of his poems and philosophical discourses was the life of the Kazakh people. In all his work, one can feel his concern for the fate of the people, for their future .
    • The monumentality and grandeur of this unique desktop accessory, which includes a box for stationery, a stand for a pen and business cards, is given by an expressive and carefully recreated copy of the monument to Abai Kunanbayev in Almaty.

Collection Abai
MaterialPolymer coating with bronze color.
Size220*186*170 mm.
PackingGift wrapping.

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Great poet of the Kazakh people, humanist philosopher, composer, master of word, enlightener, thinker, public figure.
