20 жыл бойы Қазақстанды әлемге танытудамыз

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СЫЙЛЫҚТАР ИМПЕРИЯСЫ. 20 жыл бойы Қазақстанды әлемге танытудамыз

+7 (771) 553 03 03

+7 (771) 993 93 03

Tulpar statuette

Article: HRS-0055-B
121 000 ₸    Add to cart KASPI

EMPIRE presents an item from Tulpar collection. Kazakh people believe that when a batyr is born, his horse is born along with him. And according to mythological ideas, this unique horse flies to the batyr right from heaven. According to one legend, the Most High himself revealed these beautiful animals from his palm. In many cultures, horse is the animal that brings luck and prosperity. The horse as a symbol is widely used all over the world, embodying the energy of courage, strong reputation, speed and glory, and also awakening tenacity and stamina in people facing any life challenges. A gift from the Tulpar collection will surely become a wish of happiness and luck.

Collection Tulpar
MaterialPolystone, antique bronze coating.
Size200*210*430 mm

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