20 years of being the hallmark of Kazakhstan
EMPIRE OF GIFTS. 20 years of being the hallmark of Kazakhstan
The buyer has the right to refuse the goods at any time before its transfer, and after the transfer of the goods - in the manner and under the conditions provided for by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On Protection of Consumer Rights of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
The return or exchange of goods of proper quality is possible if it was not in use, its marketable state, consumer properties, seals, labels, etc., as well as a document confirming the fact of purchase of the goods, are preserved within fourteen calendar days from the date of purchase of the goods.
If the document confirming the purchase of the goods is lost, the exchange or return of the goods is made on condition that the Buyer proves the fact of purchase from the Seller.
If the Buyer discovers the defects of the goods and makes a request for its replacement, the Seller replaces it immediately, and within thirty calendar days from the date of submission of the relevant request if additional verification (examination) of the quality of the goods by the Seller is required.
Goods of improper quality are replaced with new similar goods, namely, with goods that were not in use.
If at the time of the request the Seller does not have the goods necessary for replacement, the replacement must be carried out within ten calendar days from the date of such request.
The return of goods, in cases provided for by law and this Agreement, is carried out to the addresses specified on the website in the “Contacts” section.
If the Buyer refuses the goods of proper quality, the Seller returns to him the amount paid in accordance with the agreement, except for the Seller’s expenses for the delivery of goods returned by the Buyer, no later than fifteen calendar days from the date of the Buyer’s submission of the relevant request.
If the refund of the amount is not carried out simultaneously with the return of the goods, the refund of the specified amount is carried out by the Seller in cash at the Seller’s location, or by transfer to the Buyer’s bank account from which the payment for the goods was made.