EMPIRE OF GIFTS. 20 years of being the hallmark of Kazakhstan

Aldiyar Kamcha art panel

Article: Fkh-CV-400-097-KZ
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Kamcha - the same whip, lash or riding crop - a tool for riding. In ancient Rome, the equites, who possessed a rare wealth - a horse, were revered. Kamcha can tell a lot about its owner, his character, will and power. Not without reason it is said that: "in good hands a stick is also a carrot." Kazakhs believed that even "Satan is afraid of yellow kamcha." It is an absolute talisman against evil forces and misfortune. The ability to manage a kamcha is the ability to rule the world. Steppe peoples saw in Kamcha a symbol of supreme power. It is essentially the same royal rod, the scepter of the ruler. There is a legend about how the gold kamcha, found by Genghis Khan, exalted him. Kamcha is a symbol of Good luck for one who has “saddled his destiny”.

Collection Symbols of Authority
MaterialPolystone, hand painting, felt, rhinestones.
Size500 х700 mm.

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