“When guest comes – happiness enters the house”
Hospitality for Qazaq people is the way of world view, way of life inherited from ancestors. This is ancient and unconditional tradition laid in the basis of many legends and cherished by us to the present day. In the heart of self-denying Qazaq hospitality glorified by many distinguished travelers there is a credo of a nomad: “we are all guests on this earth”. Hospitality is not a mere whim of a host but an aspect of a worldview, it is a lifestyle inherited from the ancestors who accepted it as ethical law of survival in nomadic life. A nomad regarded a guest as a Peace Messenger, an envoy of God's will as well as a fellowman – a stranger that is himself. Paying a due respect to a Guest thus he highlighted his own position of a future Guest. It explains wasteful and endless reciprocal invitations of relatives for the sake of long-standing traditions, the meaning of which was obviously forgotten by many people but still does not lose its binding character.
(from the book "Qazaq Etiquette" by Bakhyt Kairbekov)