Paintings not merely decorate a room ensuring its individuality, but also create a special atmosphere, form an emotional background, fill the space with positive energy.
Reproductions of paintings by famous Kazakh artists will decorate the interior, add comfort and original identity to any room, should it be an office or a house.
The painting "Tauys" (Peacock) embodies bright beauty, grace, delicacy and harmony. The oriental ornament served as the leitmotif in all its diversity and luxury. The hot sun of Asian countries, legendary palaces, playful beauties are intertwined in it.
In the culture of many people peacock plumage is associated with the "eye of the heart". The painting speaks of unity in diversity, that beauty, no matter how different it may be, always unites into a single beautiful and fascinating image.
This reproduction is a great attribute of a bright and dynamic interior. The image is made using the technology of full-color printing on canvas and framed by a handmade picture molding of the highest quality.