Paintings not merely decorate a room ensuring its individuality, but also create a special atmosphere, form an emotional background, fill the space with positive energy.
Reproductions of paintings by famous Kazakh artists will decorate the interior, add comfort and original identity to any room, should it be an office or a house.
"Oshak basynda" is an original reproduction of a painting by Nelly Bube. In her work, the artist referred to the eternal and unshakable theme of family and well-being. The hearth in Kazakh culture is the sacred center of the house, and the fire in it is the creative force of the family. One should not extinguish it as for our ancestors, the extinction of the flame meant the end of family life.
The painting is made in Nelly Bube's favorite color scheme - bronze-gold tones, emphasizing the identity of the nomadic life of the Kazakhs. All details of costumes and household items are scrupulously transmitted with historical authenticity.
The reproduction is ideal for decorating the interior of a kitchen or dining room and will bring comfort and well-being to your home, preserve love in the family and support the veneration of elders.
The image is made using the technology of full-color printing on canvas and framed by a handmade picture molding of the highest quality.