EMPIRE OF GIFTS. The visiting card of Kazakhstan since 2006

Saigulik art-panel

Article: Frame-HrsOrnS-Sv
690 000 ₸    Add to cart KASPI

    Collection: Скакун
    Material: Unique technology of artistic printing on glass with silvering. Decorated with Swarovski crystals. 2360 crystals used to this art-panel.
    Size: 950х950 mm.

    Horse is a noble and majestic animal which was one of the first who came to people's dwelling and became their faithful companion for many centuries to come. At all times and in different nations, an image of a horse represented power, confidence, wisdom, meekness and patience. For thousands of years, its rapid running served as a measure of speed and aspiration. In many cultures, horse is believed to be a talisman that brings good luck and well-being. For our ancestors, it was also the symbol of the sun, fertility and wealth. An image of a horse was also considered to be a protective amulet. As a trend-setter in the field of exclusive gifts, EMPIRE has created a new collection of modern and stylish art panels. The use of innovative techniques for applying images on a mirror base made it possible to implement the brightest design ideas. Destined to become an expression of your individuality, such a panel will certainly bring a feeling of harmony and will give true aesthetic pleasure.