EMPIRE OF GIFTS. 20 years of being the hallmark of Kazakhstan

The Elixir of Eternity. Kazakh-style Tea

Article: tea-book/kz
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    • This book is both a dedication and a study of the phenomenon of Kazakh love for tea. Each chapter is a journey through the pages of history. The book reveals the philosophy of Kazakh tea drinking. After all, tart tea, once set foot on Kazakh soil, ceased to be just a drink, having acquired unique properties to unite people, heal souls and set them up for great achievements. But the main thing in the book is that it tells why tea is considered the elixir of immortality.
    • The author of the book is an ethnographer, one of the outstanding philosophers of our time, an expert in the culture of the nomadic life of the Kazakhs, a director and poet, Bakhyt Gafuovich Kirbekov. Deep, striking illustrations by the Kasteyev brothers, Sauran and Dauren.
    • "The Elixir of Immortality. Tea Love in Kazakh" is both a unique and universal gift, since everyone loves tea without exception, and its special power is revealed in this book. Enjoy reading and pleasant tea drinking!
    • The book is in three languages: Russian, Kazakh and English.

MaterialGift case, 180 pages, colored illustrations.
Size250*250*25 mm.
PackingGift packaging.

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