EMPIRE OF GIFTS. The visiting card of Kazakhstan since 2006

Аntistress stones Stones of wish

Article: stone-5
35 900 ₸    Add to cart KASPI

    Material: Natural stones: dolerite and jasper.
    Size: Total height: 7 cm.

    Since ancient times, people believed the stones have magical and healing properties. For example, in Ancient Greece, Tibet, Ireland and in several tribes of American Indians there was a custom to finger polished smooth semi-precious stones and minerals for calming down, relaxing and relieving anxiety. Empire's "Wishing stones" collection includes the semi-precious jasper and dolerite mineral. Eastern legends associate the unique properties of these stones with the ability to give women beauty, and men - wealth, success in business, the ability to triumph over envious competitors. The dolerite mineral has a positive effect on the nervous system and, on the human body, in general. It normalizes blood pressure, stabilizes cardiac performance. Such stones are good to keep in the workplace. You just need to touch few stones of jasper or dolerite with your fingers, make a pyramid of them, and you will definitely feel how inner peace and relaxation take the place of anxiety and stress, aggression and nervousness, anger and irritability.