EMPIRE OF GIFTS. The visiting card of Kazakhstan since 2006

Pomegranate Garden plate 270 mm

Article: Grnt-Plt270mm
16 500 ₸    Add to cart KASPI

    Collection: Гранатовый сад
    Material: Premium Porcelain, golden decol, natural mineral paints.
    Size: Diameter - 270mm

    “Only the pure in heart can make a good soup”. Ludwig van Beethoven The plate of the Pomegranate Garden dinnerware set is a decoration of any feast. It is made of Premium Porcelain, covered with a glossy gold decal and meets strict environmental safety standards. This item of porcelain art is created in collaboration with the Kazakh artist Alexandra Virch, and the inspiration came from the legends about the noble and miracle-working pomegranate and the good traditions of Kazakh nation feasts (tois). The surface of the item is not entirely framed by art painting, as in traditional collections, but only a part of it, and this makes the plate to look in a rich and modern way.