EMPIRE OF GIFTS. The visiting card of Kazakhstan since 2006

Abylai Khan painting reproduction (Agymsaly Duzelkhanov)

Article: Rp-Abl-BG-GE111-731-B/KZ
34 900 ₸    Add to cart KASPI

    Collection: Абылайхан
    Material: Full-color printing on canvas.
    Size: 55*70 cm.

    The favorite theme of the creative work of the famous Kazakh artist Agimsaly Duzelkhanov is the historical past of the Kazakh people, its heroes, statesmen, significant events. The art canvases by A. Duzelkhanov are for a good reason the decoration of the residences of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Almaty and Astana, as well as museums and government institutions. The main character on the reproduction of the painting "ABYLAI KHAN" is Abylai Khan, the major statesman of the Kazakh people. He had been fighting for years against the invaders - the Dzungars. He managed to unite numerous clans and tribes of the steppe, creating a strong Kazakh state. The clouds in the picture represent the imminent danger to the country. Abylai Khan is a force, wisdom and power that resists the threat. The warriors in the background are the unity of all Kazakh defenders, and the golden eagle soaring in the sky foreshadows victory over the invaders.