20 years of being the hallmark of Kazakhstan
EMPIRE OF GIFTS. 20 years of being the hallmark of Kazakhstan
In pursuance of Law № 94-V of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On personal data and their protection” dated May 21, 2013, Law # 573-II of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On credit bureaus and creation of credit reports in the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated July 6, 2004, I herewith Consent to the processing of my personal data, including ones recorded on electronic media, paper and/or other media (the “Personal Data”) submitted through the site www.empire.kz, using, inter alia, a mobile application or in my very presence or received from any third parties, by “Imperiya podarkov KZ” Individual entrepreneur (the “Company”), as well as second-tier banks and microfinance organizations cooperating with the Company, as well as I give my Consent to the transfer of my information to and from credit bureaus, including to the issue of any credit reports by the credit bureaus (including data that will be submitted thereafter), and I confirm that when giving such Consent I act of my own free will and volition.
In this Agreement, banks and microfinance organizations shall mean the following banks and microfinance organizations:
—First Heartland Jusan Bank JSC (Jusan Bank JSC);
— Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC;
— Eurasian Bank JSC;
— FREEDOM FINANCE Credit Microfinance Organization LLP;
—Home Credit Bank JSC;
—Altyn Bank JSC;
— Bank CenterCredit JSC.
Credit bureaus referred to herein are as follows:
— First Credit Bureau LLP;
— State Credit Bureau JSC.
This Consent shall be applicable to the following Personal Data:
— surname, name, patronymic (if the latter is applicable);
— year, month, day, and place of birth;
— gender;
— passport data or data of another personal identification document;
— contact information (telephone number, including personal mobile and home phone numbers, email address, including personal one, registration and residence addresses);
— Individual Identification Number (IIN);
— other information, which I have provided and/or as may be required by the Company/ “Imperiya podarkov KZ” Individual entrepreneur/banks/microfinance organizations to achieve the below purposes.
The Consent to the processing of my Personal Data is given for the following purposes (including, but not limited):
— to sign agreements or consider the possibility to sign agreements between me and the Company and to establish other relations directly related thereto;
— to sign agreements or consider the possibility to sign agreements between me and “Imperiya podarkov KZ” Individual entrepreneur;
— to assess my solvency for the purposes of processing my application for a loan in order to acquire the Goods /services of the Company;
— to assess my solvency for the purposes of signing /potential execution of an agreement with “Imperiya podarkov KZ” Individual entrepreneur;
— to arrange and implement the marketing and promotional activities of the Company;
— with the view of judicial and extrajudicial protection of the rights of the Company, “Imperiya podarkov KZ” Individual entrepreneur, banks, and microfinance organizations in case of a default under any contracts/agreements signed or in case of any disputable situations, including disputable situations with the third parties;
— to ensure compliance with the laws and other regulatory legal acts of the RoK;
— for the consulting purposes, in connection with services offered me by the banks, communication providers and their partners, for the banks to be able to make decisions pertaining to the execution of agreements with the Customer, to assess my solvency, sign and implement agreements, for the banks to be able to fulfill their obligations under the laws of the RoK and/or laws of the foreign countries applicable to the relations between me and the banks, subject to the banks and communication providers’ rights to transfer my data to the third parties in connection with the above goals, including the right to cross-border data transmission.
This Consent is given to:
1) any actions to be taken with regards to my Personal Data, as required to achieve the above goals, including (inter alia): to the collection, systematization, accumulation, retention, clarification (updating, modification), use, distribution, blocking, destruction, cross-border transmission to the foreign countries’ territories, as well as to any other manipulations with my Personal Data, subject to the applicable laws.
2) the transfer and disclosure of the data (including those received thereafter) pertaining to myself and my financial and other property-related obligations, to/from the credit bureau(s) and other institution(s), as well as to the obtaining of a credit report (including data received thereafter) from the credit bureaus.
I also hereby Consent as follows:
— to the collection, processing of the personal and/or biometrics data by the credit bureaus and to the transfer of my personal and/or biometrics data by the banks/microfinance organizations to the credit bureaus;
— to the obtaining of my information from the State Databases (the “SDB”) by the credit bureaus from the SDB operators/owners;
— to the disclosure of my information from the SDB to the credit bureaus, banks/microfinance organizations;
— to the obtaining of my information from the SDB by the banks/microfinance organizations;
— to the disclosure of my information from all the SDB to the credit bureau by the SDB owners, whether directly or via the third parties.
I herewith also agree that my Personal Data may be transferred to “State Center for Pension Payment” RSBSE, with the view of achieving the above goals.
This Consent shall be valid for 6 years after its effective date. The estimated personal data retention period is up to 6 years after the Consent effective date. The Personal Data Subject may withdraw the Consent to the processing of the Personal Data at any time throughout its term by sending a written request at the Company’s street address (39/1 Shosseinaya Street, 050058, Almaty).
If the Consent to the processing of the Personal Data is withdrawn, their processing shall be stopped and the Personal Data will be destructed within up to 30 days after receipt of the relevant withdrawal.
The Consent may not be withdrawn if such withdrawal would be in conflict with the laws of the RoK, as well as if the Personal Data Subject has any outstanding obligations to the Company and/or banks and/or microfinance organizations.