The Talisman collection was created in order to make people familiar with amulets designed to protect against the powers of evil deep through highly artistic works with historical roots. "Hamsa" elite art panel is one of such products.
Hamsa (Pyateritsa) is a protective amulet in the form of an open palm. It is known under various names: "The Hand of Miriam" among Jews, "The Hand of Fatima" in Islam, "The Hand of Fate" in Buddhism, "The Hand of God" among Christians. Such a talisman existed even among the Indians of North America. Despite all the differences in cultures in which the Hamsa talisman is regarded, it always carries a similar symbolism, i.e., protects the owner against the evil eye and jinx, helps in communication, attracts positive energy that fills a person with inner strength.
The Hamsa amulet is especially favorable and even necessary for women. The amulet helps to preserve well-being and a warm atmosphere in the family, protects peace and love, helps in finding peace of mind, harmony. During pregnancy, it makes the childbirth easier and lactation better. The Hamsa symbol fills the owner with faith in the best and patience.
The "Hamsa" panel from EMPIRE is made in the form of a stylized human palm - according to ancient traditions, the image does not copy the anatomical shape, but is symmetrical and has thumbs on both sides. The Hand of Fatima symbolizes the five pillars of Islam: faith, fasting, Hajj, prayer, charity. And in Judaism, the Hand of Miriam is associated with five books of the Torah.
The Hamsa on the EMPIRE panel is covered with reflective gold and silver colors, which is also explicable in a sacral sense. According to beliefs, it is considered that due to this, the evil directed at a person will be reflected in the one who wanted to cause harm.
Such art panel, placed in an office or house, will protect the owners from the evil eye, dark magic and jinx, will ensure a shelter from envious people, attract good luck and prosperity, heal from diseases, help win the affection and respect.