In traditional Kazakh philosophy about seven treasures - the main place is occupied by Er jigit (Man). It's no coincidence. After all, a boy in the house is perceived as a symbol of the continuation of the family, the master of the shanyraq (house) and the keeper of the ancestral tradition. With the right upbringing, the boy will grow up to be a true jigit - a valiant warrior defending his native land; a respected citizen defending the honour of his people. The nation loves such worthy sons, will be proud of him and praise his valour and nobility.
Be always brave and courageous,
and fair to the people!
If you are a worthy son.
the road will open to you!
And you will be the banner of your nation!
This panel was created based on the work of the famous artist, Honored Worker of Kazakhstan Agymsaly Duzelkhanov.